Impact Summit
In 2016, BBG conducted a two-day Impact Summit with key leaders and staff of its networks to focus on impact—what it is, how to measure it and how to plan programming to achieve it. The result was an improved BBG Impact Model that features more than 40 indicators to measure impact beyond audience size.
Refining research
Audience loyalty, content credibility, whether and how content is shared, how much audiences engage with content, and whether actions—such as a policy change or a cultural shift—take place after consuming BBG content are some of the indicators available in the research tool. This complex combination of qualitative and quantitative research has been designed with the BBG’s unique operating environments in mind and provides a consistent measurement structure for future strategy, implementation and review cycles.
The model examines 12 core and 28 optional quantitative and qualitative indicators to show network reach and effectiveness along the dimensions of our mission.
These measurements include a blend of quantitative survey data (BBG surveys, Gallup World Poll, omnibus surveys), digital data (analytics, social media, ratings data) and qualitative anecdotal evidence (impact stories, news pick-ups, guest appearances).
The relaunched Impact Model is now fully integrated into BBG strategic planning and performance reporting.
The framework provides a common standard to define and measure impact across a variety of media platforms, in the 61 languages and more than 100 countries in which the BBG networks operate.
Core Indicators
Optional Indicators
The Impact Model

Inform audiences and provide value to them
- Measure weekly reach and digital visits among the general population, as well as among particular audiences such as vernacular speakers, women, youth, and influential individuals both online and off.
- Provide credible, objective and unique information with high-broadcast quality.
“I was surprised how Alhurra TV addressed this issue [corruption] in a daring way…Alhurra TV shows the truth as seen by the people.”
—Iraqi citizen

Engage and connect audiences and the local media, as well as create loyalty
- Audience shares something, talks about, or recommends BBG programming.
- Increase number of affiliates and content downloaded by affiliates.
- Be a preferred news source among weekly audiences, among the general population, and/or on a specific topic.
“I’m one of your faithful listeners who knows that you have many others. Sometimes I can’t tune in because the radio that I own does not receive a signal because it is in very bad condition and then I have to walk to a friend’s house who lives 12 blocks from my house.”
—Radio Martí listener from Cardenas

Be influential in support of freedom and democracy with audiences, the media and government
- Increase understanding of current events, American society and U.S. foreign policy, as well as help users to form opinions on important topics.
- Drive the news agenda, garner high profile news pick-ups, push for improvements in journalistic practices and influence on media operators.
- Attract attention from public officials.
“[Alhurra’s coverage of ISIS] has changed my thinking…[I thought ISIS] was good…but I’ve seen now the execution and murder…I have not seen this story covered in a similar way in other media.”
—Syrian woman
Below are examples of BBG networks reaching audiences and providing credible, valuable information:
Engage and connect
Below are examples of BBG networks engaging audiences and connecting communities:
Be influential
Below are examples of the BBG networks increasing audiences’ understanding of current events, driving the news agenda and effecting policy changes: